onsdag den 28. september 2011


Hi guys!
So today I was at a meeting with the counslers from Rotary. The guys who dicide if I'm going too Argentina or Brazil or USA or another place on the earth next year :) I was so nerveus before going in. My hands where shaking and my head was totally empty. But when I went in I wasn't nerveus at all. So now I'm just waiting to get an answer. I don't hope it takes too long.

Kisses from Sofia

søndag den 25. september 2011

Fat Cat

So yesterday i was with my good friend Emma. We used most of the day watching tv and using the computer. But it's always super fun beeing with her she's a fantastic friend.
We saw the movie 'Bridget Jones Diary 1' and also number 2. And the movie 'Clueless'. Anyone who has seen them? They are hilarious! At least i think so... Her parents wern't home so we made Pasta! Yay i love pasta! And we ate to bags of chips... Ups :3 We played The Sims and her cat kept jumping up on my thighs! And her cat isn't a small cat! Sorry Emma but your'e cat is fat! But it's super sweet so it's okay.

Emma has a blog too! She writes it with a friend. It's super cool! But it's in danish so if you don't understand danish it's going to be quite hard to read. But check it out!

Emmas blog: Dusty Diaries

Kisses from Sofia

torsdag den 22. september 2011

Gonna Get Over You

Hi you guys!
So Sara Bareilles new single "Gonna Get over You" just had it's premiere today and it's 2-tally awsome!! She has an amazing voice and her own cool sound :) I really like her music and normaly I'm not that much for listening to pop music... But she's really cool, so you should check her out, cuz' she makes some great music

Kisses from Sofia

Wanna liste to her new song? Gonna Get Over You
Or if you wanna know more about her check out: Sarabmusic
Wanna listen to more of her songs? SaraBareillesVEVO

onsdag den 21. september 2011

Need new clothes!

I looooove shopping!
I thought you should see the dresses and also the coat i've just found. From now on I'm going to save all of my money and one day i can afford them!
....Yearh right like i could do that ! XD

Kisses from Sofia





All the clothes are from Top Shop

mandag den 19. september 2011

Alanis Morissette

Hi you guys!
Just a short update. Just finished my song lessons and waiting for the band to show up so we can start practicing. Guess how the weather is? cold, windy and the sky with grey clouds. So I'm hiding inside listining to my friend singing. Sacre Coeur what a beautiful song i must say. I'ts originally song by Tina Dicow (a danish singer/sonwriter just to mention) but i tgink my friend is singin the song just as good as she does. If you wanna the I'm singin Trade Mistakes and Always both by Panic! At The Disco at my own song lessons. I love the songs and it always makes me happy to sing them ;) Me and the band "Lars' Diciple" are practicing the song "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette. She's a super great singer so you guys should totally check her out, unfortunately she hasn't made a new song in years but still... :)

Kisses from Sofia <3

søndag den 18. september 2011


So i looked at my blog today and i saw that a 100 people have watched my blog! OMG!! I'm so happy now. The blog has exicted in 4 days and a 100 people have already read it! Thank you very much all of you who has read my blog <3

Kisses from Sofia

fredag den 16. september 2011

Ready to earn some $

Hi you guys! I just got a job today at a bakery called: Bager From. I'm so exited! I'm going to work twice a week and i can't wait to start working !

Kisses and cakes from Sofia<3

torsdag den 15. september 2011

The Wanted

Ever heard about the boyband The Wanted? No? Well they're an irish/english boyband and they consists of  Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, Jay McGuiness, Tom Parker and Nathan Sykes. They are an all pop band and their music is like everything else and it isn't original.... BUT!!!!! Then i saw the music video for their song "glad  you came" and i fell in love right away. Not in the song but in the youngest of the singers: Nathan Sykes!!!! He's so cute!!! I'm in love <3 Hihi

Kisses from Sofia
Who of the guys do you think are the cutest?

The Wanted

Nathan Sykes

Nathan Sykes

From the left: Nathan, Jay, Siva, Tom and Max

If you wanna know more about the wanted: The Wanteds Homepage

onsdag den 14. september 2011

Fallen. From where?

Okay! So i just finished number two book in the series Fallen. It's called "Torment". Number three hasn't been published in Denmark yet. Back to the point. I finished it, and i must say, I'm not thrilled O.o It keeps reminding me about Twilight, which i don't like either.
I'ts a series about fallen angels, and a girl who falls in love with an angel kalled Daniel. But i'ts not a coincidence that they meet. She is deeply in love with this guy off course, and she can't love any other guy O.o It's actually a little bit frustrating. The book is sweet but it's nothing big and great, and you don't think alot about it when you finish it. I'm dissapointed

Kisses from Sofia

The First Post!!!!

I'ts my first post! Yeah!! I've never tried this before so be patient with me. So since this is my first post I'm just gonna tell briefly about what I wanna write about.I live in Odense which is the third biggest city in Denamrk. Theres not much to tell about since it's quite small. But I'm going to try to make it interesting for you guys ;)

Well I wanna write about the music, books, films, clothes, places to see and to visit and stuff like that and mabey something about Denamrk once in a while. I'm going to show you guys cool places i've visited and stuff i bought and also new music and films. When going to a new country I'm gonna tell you all how it is and post alot of photos!!!

Well i guess that was all for now hope your going to enjoy my blog :)

Kisses from Sofia

That's me xD