tirsdag den 29. november 2011

Be happy

Having a crappy day? Remember this: It could be worse. May you have a fantastic tuesday!

Kisses from Sofia

søndag den 20. november 2011


Nå men har i hørt om Tobuscus AKA Toby Turner? Han er virkelig sjov og uploader en masse fede videoer på youtube. Han har over 1 million subscribers og han har tre kanaler. Tjek ham ud!
Kys fra Sofia

Have you ever heard about Tobuscus AKA Toby Turner? He's a really fun guy who uploades videos on youtube. He has over 1 million subscriber and three channels! Check him out!
Kisses from Sofia

Check out:
Tobuscus' youtube channel
Tobuscus' 2nd channel

onsdag den 16. november 2011

That 70's Show

Sidder og ser den hyle sjove serie "Dengang I 70'erne".
-Kys fra Sofia

Just watching the hilarious series "That 70's show".
-Kisses from Sofia

mandag den 14. november 2011

Who knew...

I dag er så det første indlæg, hvor jeg også skriver på dansk! Yay for det. Nå men i dag har jeg været til sangundervisning og spillet med bandet. Lige nu til solosang øver jeg på at synge "Trade Mistakes" af Panic! At The Disco, som jeg skal fremføre på tirsdag til en workshop for alle sang eleverne på musikskolen. Nervøs? JA!
Lige nu til band øver vi os på sangen "Who Knew" af P!nk. Jeg skal synge overstemme, og jeg kan godt sige jer at den er høj!! Godt det kun er i omkvædet. Men vi mangler stadig et navn... Har i nogle gode ideer? Nå men det var lige alt for i dag ;)
-Kys fra Sofia

So today it's my first post, were I also will be writing in Danish. YAY!
So today I was practicing with the band, and I was also at my songlessons. Right know I'm practicing on singing "Trade Mistakes" by Panic! At The Disco, cuz' in next week I have to sing it in front of alot of people. Nervous? YES!
With the band we're playing "Who Knew" by P!nk.  But we're still missing a name.. Hmm got any ideas? So that was all for today.
-Kisses from Sofia

søndag den 13. november 2011


Just a quick announcement. From now on I will be writing my posts in both english and danish ;)

Kisses from Sofia

lørdag den 12. november 2011


So today I bought new boots! They're from Bianco, and I paid 1000 kr.

Kisses from Sofia

onsdag den 9. november 2011

Factory Of Faith

I guess you've heard of the band Red Hot Chili Peppers? Well if not then you should check 'em out! I love 'em! I just bought their new album "I'm with you", and I can't stop listening to it. Some of my favorite tracks from the album are "Ethiopia" and "Factory Of Faith".  Also check out some of their older songs like Dani California, Under The Bridge and Tell Me Baby. I can't stop loving their music!
Or check out their website www.redhotchilipeppers.com

Kisses from Sofia

onsdag den 2. november 2011

School... Is fun!

So this week at school we're making a newspaper! My friends and I had just started making the paper. Or we were just trying to find a name... Either way it got boring! So we took alot of pictures instead.
You girls are so sweet ;)

Kisses from Sofia

P.s. Check out Lises blog: Always look on the bright side of life
Also check out Cecilies blog: 2 of a kind

tirsdag den 1. november 2011


Hi! So last week at school we made cupcakes and popcakes. Just uploading some pictures of the results ;)

Kisses from Sofia